We are hovering on the edge of a full disclosure. It is the edge of a progression from a unipolar world to a multipolar world.

Trump seems more interested in a strong homeland than in world domination. There is good reason for hope that this will come out soon.

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I believe there is indeed a window of opportunity at the moment. Let's push as hard as we can! p.

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There has never been any doubt in my mind 9/11 was staged as the New "Pearl Harbor" to justify the war on terror and provide a new nemesis for US global treachery. Empire can only exist where there are enemies and scapegoats fabricated to sustain forever wars and forever chaos.

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I find that people simply do not wish to address 9/11. I believe many more know than will say. Karen Kwiatkowski is another such example of someone who may know but will not say. She was at the Pentagon on 9/11, and I think she is mentioned in a Griffin book. Covid is another example. I wrote a Substack essay on Covid and lost subscribers. A final example is long time followers of the Democratic Partly who do not accept or even notice that the one time advocate for labor and peace has turned 180 and is now a traditional fascist, corporatist operation. It amazes me that people continue to ignore the obvious and clam up entirely when facing these issues is necessary. The government must be exposed to be fixed and the swamp drained. There is no other way.

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This article is well-written, particularly in how the author critiques Sachs’s statement that the U.S. is carrying out Israeli foreign policy. The author argues that this claim is entirely inaccurate and baseless, asserting instead that Israel has the U.S. advancing its own foreign policy objectives. How, after all, does U.S. involvement in Middle Eastern foreign policy benefit America’s geopolitical and national security interests? If anything, it has tarnished the U.S.’s global reputation, strained relationships with other nations, and undermined its credibility in the international community. Moreover, billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent funding policies that primarily serve Israeli interests. This is a prime example of misinformation and disinformation at work—truths cleverly embedded within a larger lie. The way this tactic is executed in the article is commendable, but readers must dig deeper, read between the lines, and ask the critical question: why? Don’t worry about 911 - it happened and you can not go back in time only forward - if you don’t believe in it you need to ask yourself then what is the catalyst behind it the greater issue at hand. That is why the US is actively carrying out Israeli foreign policy. Be aware that Israel on its own could simply not be able to carry out its own foreign policy by itself it’s simply does not have the money, resources and military to carry it on its own.

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Try this, an intellectual biography of Elias Davidsson whose work for finding truth was non-stop. He was born in 1941, a Jew in then-Palestine. Ran a website "JusCogens.org." Authored "Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11" (about the fake phone calls). And "America's Betrayal Confirmed." Died 2022. Mostly wrote in German and French. Free pdf, coauthored by me:


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Unfortunately, both Jeffrey and Tucker are well-aware of the limitations they are under if they want to keep their public forums (or potentially, even their lives). One of them is 9/11 and the other is anthropogenic climate change. You might be able to see them tiptoe around these issues a bit, but doing more than that is a serious career-ending move, and they know it full well. Unfortunately, you can't completely trust either of them. They're captured entities to the extent that their business success takes precedence over the truth. I personally think Tucker is more captured than Jeffrey, because he's so driven by ambition.

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Jeffery Sachs, like many smooth-talking American academics, does have a habit of deflecting blame from US Federal Government. Stories of an essentially good America being infiltrated, subverted, duped or misled by external influences have never been in short supply with a plethora of alleged malevolent, external agents: Israeli Zionists, Russian Communists, Chinese Communists, British Imperialists, Japanese Imperialists, German National-Socialists, Italian Anarchists, Islamic Extremists, etc. Whilst this may very well be true for the American people, it lacks credibility in the case of American Federal government as none of the narratives that it has used as pretext for war, from the Boston Tea Party on-wards, or to disassociate itself from nefarious regimes abroad has ever stacked up to scrutiny.

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I've written a detailed 20-minute read exploring the rise of the far-right and how elites use them to deflect attention from the real issues. This essay dives into the manipulation of immigration as a catalyst for division, while the true drivers of inequality and injustice remain unchallenged. If you're interested in understanding how corporate and political elites fuel the far-right agenda, check it out!


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Sachs and Carlson are both Zionists and will therefore never open the 9/11 can of worms...

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Two white men opining about their rotten settler colonial society and empire in shambles. And we are supposed to watch them have it out.. wow.. Is more interesting to watch ants, crossing the street.

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