Sep 23Liked by Dr Piers Robinson

Thank you for sharing and standing up for the many whom can’t 😊🙏 Daily I unlearn more and more.

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Obama threw down the red line in the sand and next thing you knw Assad was accused of tossing Sarin gas. No action was taken. Seymour Hersh spoke truth of power and was (is) targeted. Then he was savaged for his coverage of bin Laden's takedown and has had to mend his repo ever since.

It's all happening. The Intercept is about to fold because Blackwater's Eric Prince is suing them into bamkruptcy (prob with American taxpayer dollars). Matt Taibbi is under siege for his reasoned rants. Chris Hedges was chased from Real News. Any journo who overly-criticizes Netanyahu's dismantling of Gaza is subject to swarming and castigation. MBS set the standard, of course, for the universal contempt the elites have for scrutiny, with the paradox of Turkey's Erdogan expressing false dismay at such murdering of a journalist.

Can you say e-Abu Gharib or cyber Gitm ahead for dissenters?

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