Updates: Research Director role and New Research Agenda at the International Center for 9/11 Justice plus interview with UK Column regarding the OPCW/Douma Controversy
A quick note to say that I am very pleased to announce that the The International Center for 9/11 Justice has just published its new research agenda and I have been appointed research director for the organisation as well as the co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
I am very excited and honoured to take all of this on and look forward to working with Kevin Ryan (co-editor) and the rest of the team at IC9/11. A key objective for IC9/11 and the Journal of 9/11 Studies is to broaden the research and publishing agenda to include more work on the political consequences of 9/11, such as the global ‘war on terror’ and subsequent restrictions on civil liberties, as well as analysis of comparable ‘deep events’ including COVID-19 and the multiple strategic deceptions witnessed during the 9/11 wars. Undoubtedly there is much we can learn from the study of 9/11 with respect to the way power is exercised in our world, the roles of propaganda and deception, and the current state of our democratic systems and international organisations. Our output will be targeted at the academy, professional organisations, as well as the wider public.
More details on this appointment and the research agenda can be found here: https://ic911.org/news/ic911s-research-agenda-and-the-appointment-of-dr-piers-robinson-as-research-director-and-journal-co-editor/
The OPCW-Douma Controversy
My work on the Syria chemical weapons deception reflects one part of my research on ‘deep events’ and ‘strategic deceptions’ and, as you might be aware, I am working as part of the Berlin Group 21(BG21) representing the issues raised by whistleblowers from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). For those unfamiliar, a recent update on this case can be read here and a fuller introduction to the issue can be read here.
BG21 last week issued a statement regarding the continued failure of the OPCW to respond to UNSC-level questions from the Brazilian government, the full text of which can be read and downloaded here.
I also gave an interview covering the recent statement on UKColumn news and which can be viewed here, starting 20 minutes in.
The OPCW-Douma controversy is a key example of the strategic deceptions employed by the West, especially since the 9/11 event. It is also one that involves a significant amount of primary source documents and evidence, including OPCW scientists, showing the deceptions in play. I am looking forward to continued work with BG21 on this vital issue and am confident that, in the fullness of time, the Syria chemical weapons deceptions will be accurately understood by many people, as is the case with the now widely accepted 2003 Iraq War WMD strategic deception (now accepted across the mainstream) and, increasingly, the 9/11 event itself.
Remember, ‘Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority’ (Francis Bacon).